Parkor - A 2D platformer built on Unity

Ever since I was a kid, I have always loved video games and have wanted to make one myself as well. PARKOR is my first video game and is meant to serve as a stepping stone to my ultimate goal of working on much bigger video games. I built this game from scratch, and self-taught myself all aspects that went into creating this gamer.

Coding: This project required me to write scripts in C#. Any objects that the user can interact with the user have scripts attached to them, all of which were coded by me. I had to write scripts for various game mechanics, such as collisions, user input and the user interface. Furthermore, I had to get acquainted with the Unity2D Physics Engine as well.

Design: Designing the User Experience (UX) and the game levels were my favorite part of creating the game. I was able to be creative, while also following human-centred design methodologies and UX design principles that I have learnt in my coursework.